Design & Technology
“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” Albert Einstein
At St Catherine’s we want our children to love Design & Technology by providing them with the skills to design and create pieces that they would not have thought themselves capable of. Our Design and Technology curriculum provides opportunities to solve real and relevant problems, allowing our pupils to develop essential everyday skills and unlock their potential to be the designers and innovators of tomorrow.
Our pupils learn about cooking, food and nutrition, ensuring that they acquire fundamental life skills in order to be able to feed themselves healthily and independently, whilst also learning about where food comes from and so making connections with their geographical and scientific knowledge.
Our Design and Technology curriculum encourages children to learn, to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as an individual and as part of a team. It also allows our pupils to put their learning from other areas of the curriculum into practice, and works to enhance and deepen their understanding of those areas, including Maths, Computing, Science and Art.