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'History has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.' Michelle Obama


At St Catherine’s, we strive to encourage pupils to develop an understanding and appreciation of the past. Through the use of carefully planned topics, children learn about a variety of different key figures as well as key events in our history and the history of other civilisations, such as Ancient Greece and the Ancient Egyptians.  Pupils learn through a range of cross-curricular and engaging activities. They learn key knowledge as well as being given the opportunity to pose questions. Pupils develop a rich vocabulary and are able to order events chronologically. Learning where we fit on a timeline and comparing our lives to our predecessors is important for pupils to feel a sense of identity and be ready for the world around them.

Knowledge and Skills

For each topic, pupils have a Knowledge Mat detailing all the key information for that topic. These are used to build connections with prior learning and support recall. We use our History Progression of Skills document to ensure pupils are developing their skills further year-on-year. 

History Topics Timeline

Timelines of the History topics we cover support pupils in developing their understanding of chronology.

Home Learning

If you wish to support pupils with their learning at home, the BBC Bitesize website provides a rich range of information, activities and games.

BBC Bitesize KS1

BBC Bitesize KS2