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Performance and KS2 Results

Performance details are available from the Department for Education and are updated annually.

St Catherine's Catholic Primary School - Department for Education

Key Stage 2 Test Results 2022-2023

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

69% 69% 69% 71%

% of pupils who achieved a higher standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

20% 14% 22% 22%

How St. Catherine’s compared to national attainment at the expected standard in 2023:

Test School % National %
Reading 69 73
Writing 69 71
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 71 72
Maths 69 73
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 54 59
Average Scaled Scores

How St Catherine's compared with Local Authority and National results:

  Reading Maths
School 103 105
Local Authority 105 104
National 105 104

This was measured against all pupils nationally with similar starting points so that an overall progress score could be achieved. A score of ‘0’ means that our pupils on average have done as well as others nationally. A positive score (eg +1) means that our pupils have exceeded others nationally and a negative score means that our pupils have not progressed as well as others nationally.

St. Catherine’s progress scores:

  Confidence Interval School progress score
Reading (-2.0 to 1.3) -0.3
Writing (-0.4 to 2.8) +1.2
Maths (-0.9 to 2.2) +0.7


Key Stage 2 Test Results 2021-2022

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

86% 72% 72% 69%

% of pupils who achieved a higher standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

17% 14% 41% 28%

How St. Catherine’s compared to national attainment at the expected standard in 2022:

Test School % National %
Reading 86 75
Writing 72 69
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 69 72
Maths 72 71
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 69 59
Average Scaled Scores

How St Catherine's compared with Local Authority and National results:

  Reading Maths
School 105 105
Local Authority 105 103
National 105 104

This was measured against all pupils nationally with similar starting points so that an overall progress score could be achieved. A score of ‘0’ means that our pupils on average have done as well as others nationally. A positive score (eg +1) means that our pupils have exceeded others nationally and a negative score means that our pupils have not progressed as well as others nationally.

St. Catherine’s progress scores:

  Confidence Interval School progress score
Reading (0.4 to 5.0) +2.7
Writing (0.4 to 4.9) +2.7
Maths (1.7 to 6.1) +3.9

Each of these progress scores are significantly above national figures and in the highest 20% of progress scores nationally.