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Performance and KS2 Results

Performance details are available from the Department for Education and are updated annually.

St Catherine's Catholic Primary School - Department for Education

Key Stage 2 Test Results 2023-2024

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

81% 56% 69% 72%

% of pupils who achieved a higher standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

31% 9% 19% 28%

How St. Catherine’s compared to national attainment at the expected standard in 2024:

Test School % National %
Reading 81 74
Writing 56 72
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 72 72
Maths 69 73
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 50 61

Progress measures were unable to be calculated for the academic year 2023/24. This is because there was no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption.

Key Stage 2 Test Results 2022-2023

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

69% 69% 69% 71%

% of pupils who achieved a higher standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

20% 14% 22% 22%

How St. Catherine’s compared to national attainment at the expected standard in 2023:

Test School % National %
Reading 69 73
Writing 69 71
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 71 72
Maths 69 73
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 54 59

This was measured against all pupils nationally with similar starting points so that an overall progress score could be achieved. A score of ‘0’ means that our pupils on average have done as well as others nationally. A positive score (eg +1) means that our pupils have exceeded others nationally and a negative score means that our pupils have not progressed as well as others nationally.

St. Catherine’s progress scores:

  Confidence Interval School progress score
Reading (-2.0 to 1.3) -0.3
Writing (-0.4 to 2.8) +1.2
Maths (-0.9 to 2.2) +0.7


Key Stage 2 Test Results 2021-2022

% of pupils who achieved the expected standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

86% 72% 72% 69%

% of pupils who achieved a higher standard:

Reading Writing Maths

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

17% 14% 41% 28%

How St. Catherine’s compared to national attainment at the expected standard in 2022:

Test School % National %
Reading 86 75
Writing 72 69
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 69 72
Maths 72 71
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 69 59

This was measured against all pupils nationally with similar starting points so that an overall progress score could be achieved. A score of ‘0’ means that our pupils on average have done as well as others nationally. A positive score (eg +1) means that our pupils have exceeded others nationally and a negative score means that our pupils have not progressed as well as others nationally.

St. Catherine’s progress scores:

  Confidence Interval School progress score
Reading (0.4 to 5.0) +2.7
Writing (0.4 to 4.9) +2.7
Maths (1.7 to 6.1) +3.9

Each of these progress scores are significantly above national figures and in the highest 20% of progress scores nationally.