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Collective Worship - Prayer and Liturgy

We encourage pupils to grow in self-understanding and develop a language of prayer through which they can express their relationship with God.

Our school environment is distinctively Catholic. We are proud to celebrate our Catholic Christian identity both in the communal areas and in each classroom. All classes have a dedicated ‘Prayer Table’ which reflects the Liturgical Season, supports their learning in RE and gives opportunities for whole class and individual prayer. Throughout the school there are a number of religious and spiritual items to engage our pupils and provide a sense of calm and give inspiration.

We are committed to providing our pupils with a never-ending invitation to develop their relationship with God.

The weekly Monday whole school Gospel Assemblies are based on the Gospel Reading of the Sunday Mass. Prior to this assembly, pupils have often been introduced to the Gospel reading in class through a combination of Lectio and Visio Divina. The whole school liturgies provide an insight into the teachings of scripture, offer opportunity for prayer and meditation and are celebrated with a hymn. The time of prayer together ends with a ‘mission’ element which encourages the pupils to reflect and carry this message of Jesus into their lives through their words and actions. There is a Liturgy Team, made up of pupils in Key Stage 2. They are closely involved in the Gospel Assembly through reading and leading prayer. They are frequently involved in providing pupil voice regarding new initiatives based on our RE Action Plan, shaping and leading their implementation.

Leaders are committed to the continual improvement and enrichment of the prayer life and environment which supports the Church’s Liturgical calendar, its seasons, rites and symbols.

Leaders work diligently to ensure that the spiritual life of the school is at the heart of all we do. Parents and Carers are invited to join the school in Liturgical celebrations throughout the year. These include Masses and Liturgies. The School has a dedicated ‘Spirituality Week’ each year which follows a theme e.g. Holy Week, The Resurrection, All Saints, etc. Sometimes these themes are derived from a universal message from the Pope and at other times they stem from the needs or interests of our pupils. Leaders are always searching for new and creative ways to present scripture. These weeks, where the pupils are immersed in a specific theme, are a time of great joy and engagement. The creativity flows and there is space and time for the consideration of deep questioning both from the pupils themselves and staff, the level of reflection, making links and religious vocabulary witnessed is frequently impressive. The culmination of the work is gathered and collated into a whole school book which is displayed in our school foyer for visitors to peruse and share.